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Conditions for 50 EUR CASHBACK campaign campaign

Buyer - person who has purchased product(s) from the site in a amount of 500 EUR and more can claim cashback on next purchase.

1. In order to get a cashback, you must:

    Completed single order from in amount of 500 EUR and above.
    After purchase buyer did not initiate product refund or return process.
    Campaign is valid only for private individuals.
    Buyer has selected and is going to buy next freely choosen product from shop

2. When submitting a request for a cashback, the following must be done:

    Contact to shop support via email
    Add original purchase documents confirming the purchase of the product in amount of 500 and above (copy of payment order, invoice).
    Freely written application where is indicated next targeted product
    In the case when campaign sum is exceeding product price (delivery cost is included), buyer should choose one of the following options – remaining sum is deposited on buyer’s credit balance in or returned to personal bank account.

3. Return applicant will be contacted via email with newly generated personal payment link.

4. Buyer has the right to participate in the campaign once and receive a refund only once. One person can submit only one refund claim per campaign. If a refund has already been requested for one purchase as part of the campaign, the campaign organizer is not obliged to refund money to the same person for other purchases meeting the campaign conditions.

5. Refund claims submitted after expire of campaign deadline shown in add will not handled.

6. If it is not possible to repay money, the campaign organizer will notify buyer within five working days from the receipt of the claim, indicating the reason for this, and offer an alternative solution.

7. If the claim is complete and buyer requested deposit to personal bank account, organizer will pay unused campaign sum within 15 working days, but no later than 60 calendar days after receiving the claim.

8. The campaign conditions do not affect the legal rights of consumers.